dear liz

2004-12-09 @ 1:26 p.m.

Dear Liz,

This would be your new layout. I'm doing all sorts of nifty things to it. I hope you don't think the background is too busy, because it took me for-fucking-ever to figure out everything.

Dammit! I fucking ate breakfast, and I didn't bring money for food, and I'm so fucking hungry, it isn't even funny.

Ok, so there are all sorts of nifty things in here, which I said...whatever, I dig this layout.

Also, I'm dressed up-ish today. I have on cute leopard flats, striped tights, a skirt, a red polo, and make-up. Yeah, even make-up.

And now, I think this is long enough. Sorry it took for ever to get this to you.


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